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Is Word-of-Mouth Working for You?

When a customer has a great experience with your company, how do you handle it?

OK, so that might be a vague question. What I’m trying to ask, is, do you have the guts to capitalize on that great experience?

Many small business owners are afraid to ask for referrals. Why? If you were able to provide excellent service for one customer, won’t it make sense that you have the capacity to do that again?

One of the best ways to capture new business is to create a powerful referral program.

Think about it. You are willing to pay your sales reps a commission. You might even be willing to spend serious marketing dollars on advertising. Why not generate new customers from past successes?

Figure out what makes sense with your budget to offer as a “thank you” for referrals. Make sure there is a win-win for both sides. Then, communicate this program to customers who’ve had good experiences.

The beauty of this type of program is the minimal initial cost – just the time spent to create a realistic program, and the printing cost to create an attractive marketing piece for the program.

Don’t let potential business pass you by, ask for it!